The New Albany High School PTO works in partnership with administrators, faculty and staff to help support our students and staff in having a successful year.
Our mission is three-fold:
- To provide assistance to the school, through service and fund-raising activities, that will enhance the educational environment;
- To promote the values of academic achievement and community service;
- To promote communication and cooperation between parents, the faculty, the school board, and the community.
New Albany High School Talent Show Info
The NAHS PTO is producing the 9th annual evening of singing, dancing, music and more featuring our high school students. That’s Entertainment! will be Friday January 24, 2025 at 7pm in the Jeanne B. McCoy Center for the Arts. Admission will be $5 per person, general admission. Talents may include vocal, instrumental performance, dance routine, comedy sketch, etc. There will be a time limit of 5 minutes. This is to allow as many students as possible to participate.
Wanted - Master of Ceremonies - we are looking for 1 or more students who have a big personality, clear speaking voice and lots of stage presence. You will be given a script to read at the auditions.
**New this year – students may only perform in 1 act in the show. This is to keep the show length manageable.**
Audition information
#1 - Audition forms are digital. Please fill out here.
#2 - Schedule an audition here.
Monday, December 2, 2024 from 3 - 4pm – Vocal and pianist auditions. Bring your own accompaniment track. Location: HS Choir room. *Note-this is the only day pianists may audition.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 from 3 -4pm - Dance, vocal(with track), sketch, band, instrumental (not piano) and other talents. Location: HS Mini Theatre in the I building.
All acts must be family friendly. You must upload a copy of your edited music(MP3 file only), lyrics, etc. (as applicable) before consideration for the show.
Rehearsal schedule – ALL ARE MANDATORY
Wednesday, January 22, 2024 Technical AND Dress rehearsal 3- 8:30pm We will set lights, technical elements and finale bows. Then, we will run a full dress rehearsal. All students will stay for entire rehearsal. There will be a 30 minute dinner break.
Thursday, January 23, 2024 McCoy is not available
Friday, January 24, 2024 That’s Entertainment! Call - 5:30pm, Show is at 7pm.
Any questions? Please email Director Melissa Gould at
NAHS PTO Calendar
NAHS PTO Membership 2024-2025
The PTO has bi-monthly formal meetings as well as several “Coffee and Conversation" informal meetings with Principal Rob Russell throughout the year. We also have various volunteer opportunities during the year in which you can participate. We will keep you posted on this site and our Facebook page on upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Becoming a member is a great way to get involved and help your student’s school. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, so your membership is tax deductible.
If you have any questions about the PTO or would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact us at
The cost to join the New Albany High School PTO is $20 for a family membership.
Join The NAHS PTO Today!
Additional donations are always appreciated.
This includes Author visits, classroom and library books, cultural arts, academic and technology programs, teacher/staff appreciation, individual classroom instructional items/supplies and more!
Our Address
New Albany High School
Attention: NAHS PTO
7600 Fodor Rd.
New Albany, OH 43054
Contact the PTO Board at Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Follow us on social media.
Volunteer & Support
2024-25 Executive Board & Committee Chairs
Ann Gunzenhaeuser
Naomi Maletz
Sarah Mullendore
Nichole Foreman
Teacher Appreciation
Casie Ford & Jaimee Hoy
Scholarship Chair
Robin Williams
Special Events
Kris Foley
Social Media Chair
Shannon Karsies
School Dance Coat Check Chair
Becca Werth
Spirit Wear
Kris Foley & Sally Higgins