Course Registration Process
Registration takes place in January. We start this process with Curriculum Week and Registration Night for parents and students. Students receive a registration guide including a copy of their transcript, a list of courses, scheduling tips, registration deadlines, and graduation requirements. Teachers provide course information and recommendations in their subject area to students. During the following weeks, students are encouraged to review their transcript, audit their graduation requirements, explore electives, and use the Program of Studies to consider potential class combinations that meet their needs and goals. Students may request an academic advising appointment with their counselor to help finalize their choices.
All students complete their registration through their Power School account at a predetermined time outlined in their registration packet. Counselors provide opportunities to meet with every student to assist in their selections. Counselors meet with 11th graders to ensure any remaining graduation requirements are scheduled.For 8th grade parents and students, counselors and administration present curriculum information in an evening session. Classes requiring audition (Honors A Capella Choir, Honors Chamber Orchestra, Honors Wind Ensemble, etc.) will be assigned by the teachers accordingly and placed on the student’s schedule. Once the student requests are entered, departments will review student selections to ensure appropriate levels and check for Prerequisites.
The registration process helps the administration plan the number of sections needed for classes and to distribute students equally. Since students choose their courses, they will remain in the courses for which they’ve registered with few exceptions:
Some course selections will conflict with each other. For example, if you want two classes only offered during 2nd period, you must choose which course to keep. Counselors will help you identify an alternate for the conflicted course.
At times, course requests for a certain course exceed space and teaching staff availability. When this occurs, waitlists are created with priority given to upperclassmen.
Some courses may be canceled due to the low number of requests, teaching staff availability, etc.